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Skate Your Way To Gnarvana In OlliOlli World

Indie developer Roll7 and publisher Private Division have revealed the next entry into the OlliOlli skateboarding series, OlliOlli World, which will be making its way to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC later this year.

Check out the trailer below, which shares some insight into the game that has been over six years in the making:

As the third game in the series, OlliOllie World takes the franchise in a new direction, with skaters being taken through a “vibrant skateboarding utopia full of wild and colorful characters” as they perform tricks and travel in search of Gnarvana, the ultimate skating paradise.Stay up to date on OlliOllie World’s progress by following the game’s official Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram profiles.

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